• CommentAuthorelwan
    • CommentTimeJan 16th 2007
    RedSwosh Like Maker


    As Everyone Can See THe Link http://www.mywebsite.com/myfile.exe Is Clear To Anyone So Anyone can Copy it and paste into download manger and it will be downloaded :( so anyone to hide the real url????
    • CommentTimeJan 16th 2007
    Great question. The easiest way to prevent users from downloading directly from the mywebsite.com link (bypassing Swoosh) is to configure the webserver to reject any request with a User-Agent HTTP header that doesn't contain "Red Swoosh". This will enable the link to work fine for the Red Swoosh service, but will prevent it from working with Internet Explorer, FireFox, and so on. Does this make sense, and is this sufficient?

    Alternatively, we are actively working on other options, but they're not yet decided. Please email me at [email protected] and we can discuss it more, as I'd love to get your feedback on the new feature we're considering.

    • CommentAuthorelwan
    • CommentTimeJan 17th 2007
    it work 70% but some download manger can act like Red Swoosh agent

    • CommentTimeJan 19th 2007
    Typically our customers are most concerned with preventing the link from being posted onto other webpages where users can download it using a normal web browser; it's a rather sophisticated user that understands the User-Agent header and how to spoof it. Customers who have extra concern in this area often use "tokenized links" -- URLs that only work for a short period of time, or URLs that only work for a specific IP address. Red Swoosh works with these, and they can bring a very real security advantage. But these systems generally require a lot of back-end work to enable by themselves, with or without Red Swoosh. Many customers find User-Agent filtering adequate, and it's much easier to implement.

    Regardless, let me know what type of security protections you already have in place, and then I can help you use them with Red Swoosh.
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