• CommentAuthorregigeorge
    • CommentTimeDec 12th 2006
    I can't Install the red swoosh software
    • CommentTimeDec 12th 2006
    Hi, can you give any more detail about what specifically goes wrong? First, let's see if you are already installed:

    1) Do you see the Red Swoosh control panel along side your other control panels?
    2) Do you see the RedSwoosh.exe process running in your task manager?
    3) Are there any files at "C:\Program Files\RSSoft"?

    If the answer is "no" to all three, then that's correct, you are not installed. To install, please click: http://edn.redswoosh.net/www.redswoosh.net/AskANinja.wmv and tell me:

    1) Do you see the white installation page?
    2) When you click "Install" are you prompted to download RSInstaller.exe?
    3) When you click "Ok" (or "Save File") does the file successfully download?
    4) After download, can you run the "RSInstaller.exe"?
    5) When you run "RSInstaller.exe", does it open a grey progress-bar dialog box?
    6) Does the progress bar get stuck any step? Which one?
    7) Does the grey window disappear automatically when the progress bar completes?
    8) Does Windows Media Player open automatically?
    9) Does it play the Ask A Ninja video clip?

    If all these happen, you're installed just fine. Go to the Red Swoosh control panel to see the files you've downloaded.


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